...woW havent ritten nething in a long ass tyme. my sugar plum is making me update. hmmm wen wes da las tyme i updated? dayum since march and itz like wut now? july? wow like 4 munfz lolz. im jes mad lazi. tomoro im leevin fer virgina. BUSCH GARDENS! lolz. whoop-ie. gon b der till thurs. gon by madd firewerks so next year im set =D
im still wif ma baby karen. had mad arguments but we still goin on. the argument has changed our feelins fer da better, making us want to be together even more. diz 14th we make 6 munfz, a half a year. dayum dat wen by pretty dayum fast. mad memories from da disabled to "thats mine!! danielson thats mine!!" geze we madd stoopid =) but i love you!!
yesterdai wes 4th of july and had my 3rd annual 4th of july at da park wif ma sugar plum. babylina, chang alang and da dummy in a can tagged along diz year. it wes fun, but i personally think las year wes better. las year also a lot more firewerks. hmm wellz iunno wa to say sooo uhm heres sum pikz nd quizez.